Promoting the Use of Fiberglass Equipment
Lined with Corrosion Resistant Plastic
ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The use of reinforced thermoset plastic (RTP) vessels operating at pressures not exceeding 15 psig external and/or 15 psig internal above any hydrostatic head, which contain corrosive and otherwise hazardous materials, dictates the need for rules and/or stress analysis concerning materials of construction, design , fabrication, quality control, and inspection of such equipment. In developing rules for RTP, the Committee has adapted to RTP the principles of rules included in Section VII, Division 1, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, wherever they are applicable
Adaptation of standard rules to RTP requires recognition of differences which exist between metallic materials and RTP. These differences are addressed in the remainder of this Introduction.
The John Kidd award is presented annually to the individual whose performance best exhibits the pursuit of excellence and integrity in the field of Dual Laminates. The individual can be a fabricator, material supplier, inventor, consultant, end user, welder, or anyone else who has been instrumental in the development fabrication, or promotion of Dual Laminates.