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Promoting the Use of Fiberglass Equipment
Lined with Corrosion Resistant Plastic

Conducted by SKZ, Fluoropolymers

SKZ (Sueddeutsches Kunststoff-Zentrum) is a leader in the training and certification of personnel involved in plastics fabrication and manufacturing. This training course will be held by an accredited instructor and offers optional DVS (German Welding Society) certification in various materials and processes. For further information on SKZ please visit their web site at

Location: WEGENER Welding LLC, Burr Ridge, IL

Date: July 22-26, 2024

Download 82-202407-SKZ-Training-Registration-Fluoropolymer PDF

The John Kidd award is presented annually to the individual whose performance best exhibits the pursuit of excellence and integrity in the field of Dual Laminates. The individual can be a fabricator, material supplier, inventor, consultant, end user, welder, or anyone else who has been instrumental in the development fabrication, or promotion of Dual Laminates.

John Kidd Award Winners Nominations